(UPDATED) Disguises – Delayed to November Update

Due to high player impact issues discovered with the addition of Crouching & Disguises during the launch of Season 14, these features have now been temporarily disabled. For more information on this change and our plans to return them, please see our latest Developer Update: An Update on Season 14

As these features have been temporarily disabled, this also prevents a range of Pirates of Mischief Commendations, the Shadow Tide Wheel & Figurehead, Stronghold and Kings Chest Disguises, Hidden in Plain Sight Trinkets, Pirate of True Mischief Title and the Monstrous Mask of Mayhem from being unlocked. The Comfortable Sneaker and Hidden in Plain Sight Xbox and Steam Achievements along with the associated Trophy on PlayStation®5 are also temporarily unobtainable.

Update:Following the October Hotfix, crouching has been enabled. All associated commendations and achievements / trophies will now unlock as normal.

As confirmed in this State of Play update, Disguises will now be relaunching in Novembers game update

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