Syncing PlayStation®5 Trophies with other platforms

If you have made progress on a different platform in Sea of Thieves, please be aware that when linking your Xbox Live account to your PlayStation™Network account, that only certain trophies will unlock automatically for previously completed progress.

This is intended behaviour, as only achievements that can be completed once, such as becoming a Pirate Legend, will sync automatically with your trophies.

If these kinds of trophies are not unlocking, you may need to restart the game a few times for the sync to complete.

Other completed achievements will not unlock the related trophy and so will need to be completed again.

Any progress towards a trophy first made on Xbox, Windows, or Steam will not carry over to PlayStation®5, therefore the requirements for said trophy need to be met from scratch on PlayStation®5. This is due to how trophies are tracked on this platform.

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