When purchasing items from the in-game merchants, after purchasing several items in quick succession this can result in the purchase of further items being blocked. As a workaround, please exit the merchant and re-enter where you will be able to continue purchasing items.
Merchants – Purchasing several items in quick succession can result in being blocked from further items
Featured Articles
- Voyage - 'A Raid on a Dark Fortress' - Ensuring to 'Dive to Location' when starting the voyage
- Emporium – Cardinal Lodestar Flag is not displaying when applied to the Brigantine
- (RESOLVED) Controls – Dart Radial Input can interfere with previously bound actions
- (RESOLVED) Controls – Hotkey for changing dart types can break when quickly changing between darts
- (RESOLVED) Emporium – Pocket pet emotes do not always function correctly
- (RESOLVED) "Dance Off Danger" Commendation is not unlocking
- (RESOLVED) Disguises - Player's unable to purchase the 'Chest of Fortune disguise' after meeting the unlock criteria
- Disguises – Players are unable to equip disguises to their radial menu while wearing the Skeleton curse
- (RESOLVED) Commendations – ‘Trap Ease Artist’ commendation tracking will only increment when disabling a trap with an item present within it
- Stability – Steam Deck & Steam Client Instability
- Accessibility – Enabling ‘Game Transcription Override’ on the Xbox One console can lead to the game freezing and a potential crash
- Steam Deck – Game can crash when using a slow internet connection
- Performance – Game freezing when using Nvidia ShadowPlay
- Accessibility – Text to Speech / Speech to Text is not functioning between PlayStation®5 players and those on other platforms
- Accessibility – Some areas of the game are not being narrated correctly when using the PlayStation®5 screen reader
- Ship’s Log – Players receiving the "Something Went Wrong, The Ship's Log can't be shown right now. Try again shortly" error when attempting to view the log
- Merchants – Purchasing several items in quick succession can result in being blocked from further items
- (UPDATED) Stability – Reduced Server Performance
- Lavenderbeard - Players receiving this error in the Turkish region
- Steam - Xbox Live sign in box displaying incorrectly preventing Sign-in
- (UPDATED) Combat – Ranged & Melee Weapon Hit Detection