Steam - Accessing wallpapers/soundtrack included in Sea of Thieves: Deluxe Edition

This article will show you how to access the extra content included in Sea of Thieves: Deluxe edition on Steam!


Accessing the wallpapers

1. Right click on "Sea of Thieves" in your Steam library and select "Properties"


2. Navigate to the "DLC" section of the properties menu. You should see "Sea of Thieves - Wallpapers" in there. Ensure the checkbox under "Install" is selected.


3. Once downloaded, the wallpapers will be accessible via the "Local Files" option. Simply browse your local files and they will be present.


Accessing the soundtrack

1. At the top of your Steam library, click on the "Games" dropdown, and then ensure "Soundtracks" is selected.


2. Select "Sea of Thieves" soundtrack. You will then have the option to download the soundtrack to a folder of your choice.



