Unable to enter the support portal or raise a support request?

If you are unable to log into our Customer Support portal using your Xbox Live account, or you are being prevented from raising a new support request, please try the following:


Unable to sign into the Support Portal

  • Ensure that all account details being used are correct.
  • Try using a different web browser or put your browser into 'incognito' mode.
  • Sign out your Xbox Live account from https://www.seaofthieves.com/ then log back in. Please also try clearing your web browsers cache to clear any cookies containing old account information.
  • Also try using a different internet connection.


Unable to create a Support Request

When this occurs, please ensure that all fields within the support request are completed and also that all attachments are within the file size limit of 50mb.


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Crea una solicitud de asistencia para nuestro equipo.

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