Hello pirate! You’re likely reading this because you’ve been affected by a pesky ThingBeard error and would like to know what to do. Apologies that something has gone wrong, but let’s get you up and plundering again! Find your ThingBeard in the list below and steps to resolve them.
Support article on Alpacabeard can be located in our Alpacabeard article.
You must be signed in to Xbox Live to play Sea of Thieves. Ensure your Xbox Live status is connected and then sign in and try again.
When playing on an Xbox One console, you need an Xbox Game Pass Core membership to play online. Please check your subscription settings and purchase a Core membership as needed.
Alabasterbeard, Allmondbeard & Cyanbeard
Your connection to Xbox Live and/or the Sea of Thieves services has been disrupted or lost. Please check your console's network status via the Settings > Network menu.
Sea of Thieves cannot find an active license to play. You may see this error if Steam is in offline mode. You will also see these errors on the Microsoft Store version if your Xbox Game Pass subscription has recently ended, or you are not signed into the Microsoft Store with the account that has the purchase.
Beigebeard & Lightbeigebeard
You do not currently have the latest version of the game installed. Please check for updates.
Please try entering the game again once the current maintenance window has expired.
This may be due to a temporary server issue or server maintenance. Please check for game updates and try again later.
Cinnamonbeard & Bronzebeard
We were unable to connect you to the game. Please do the following:
- Press the Guide button on your controller
- Highlight Sea of Thieves
- Press the Menu Button (to the right of the Guide Button on your controller)
- Highlight "Quit" and press A
- Re-launch Sea of Thieves from your Pins, Recent or My Games & Apps areas of your console
- Navigate the menu and join a game as usual
Something has happened on our side that we're working to fix. Please check the status of the game for more information.
Daisybeard & Lettucebeard
These beard errors are displayed when there are issues connecting to our services. If the issue persists we would recommend relaunching the game and trying again.
The denimbeard error can display during the matchmaking flow on the Insider version of Sea of Thieves. Should you see this error it means you are not signed up to the Insider program. You can sign up via the Insider website, providing you are 18+ years of age and own a Game Pass subscription or your own Sea of Thieves physically or digitally.
Alternatively, you may have been removed from the old pioneer program or the new Insider program for breaking the Terms and Conditions you agreed to when signing up. For further support on this issue please use the 'Raise a support request below'.
Erminebeard, Stoatbeard, Muskratbeard, Foxbeard
There is a problem with your Microsoft Store license associated with your account. Please contact Sea of Thieves support for further assistance.
This is an issue with our servers, the team is hard at work, we will get everyone back in and playing as quickly as possible!
We have either taken the servers down for an update, or we are not currently running a playtest session at this time. Please verify there is a scheduled playtest running in your timezone.
This is an issue with our servers, the team is hard at work, we will get everyone back in and playing as quickly as possible!
There is an issue preventing your system from connecting to the Sea of Thieves servers. Please check your internet connection / home network and try again.
This can be caused by any of the following:
- The Servers Are Closed – We are not running a play session when you tried to log in, so you cannot play Sea of Thieves right now.
- You have more than one Gamertag signed in to your console. Please sign all other accounts out of the console, and only launch the game with the one account that has been invited to play.
Something has happened on our side that we're working to fix. Please check the status of the game for more information.
Mainly caused by the servers being down for maintenance. This can also be caused by Firewall and Antivirus updates blocking the game client, or ISP connection issues.
Further Support for the Lavenderbeard error can be found via our Lavenderbeard Article
You have been removed from the active game session due to a lack of activity.
Ensure that you are logged into the correct Steam account which owns your copy of Sea of Thieves. Please contact Steam support to confirm ownership.
Please also ensure you are launching the game directly from your Steam library, and not from the exe.
Your game is currently unable to communicate with the server it is trying to join. Please check your home network including firewall / anti-virus configuration and other networking options such as NAT type.
Your PC time is too far out of sync with our servers.
To resolve this type “date” (or your regional equivalent) into your start menu and select “Date & Time”. Under Additional settings click the “Sync now” button on the right.
Otterbeard & Ferretbeard
Sea of Thieves cannot find an active license to play. You may see this error if Steam is in offline mode. You will also see these errors on the Microsoft Store version if your Xbox Game Pass subscription has recently ended, or you are not signed into the Microsoft Store with the account that has the purchase.
The easiest way to resolve this is to open the Xbox app – this may display an error at the top indicating an error with your Store account and giving you an option to fix it.
Some additional resources:
How your PC gaming account relates to your Microsoft Store account | Xbox Support
Fix gaming issues with the Xbox app for Windows | Xbox Support
Gaming Services Repair Tool for PC | Xbox Support
There has been an issue with your connection to the games servers. Please try re-entering the lobby again. If the issue persists, try creating a new crew.
Ensure that you are logged into the correct steam account which owns your copy of Sea of Thieves. Please contact Steam support to confirm ownership
Mainly caused by the servers being down for maintenance, or external network issues. This can also be caused by Firewall and Antivirus updates blocking the game client, or ISP connection issues.
Your account has been permanently banned from our services - this will be due to a serious breach of our Code of Conduct or Terms of Service.
Sea of Thieves is currently unable to communicate with the Steam API, check if Steam is undergoing maintenance
Sea of Thieves cannot communicate with the Microsoft Store to verify your purchase. Please wait five minutes and try again. If this persists please contact Sea of Thieves support.
Your account was suspended from our services due to a violation of our Code of Conduct or Terms of Service. This is a temporary suspension, normally only lasting a number of days based on the offense.
Your error is not listed, or need more help?
Head to Sea of Thieves Support to raise a ticket, one of our team will get back to you ASAP!